Division of Pulmonary disease and Sleep Medicine

In the division of pulmonary disease and Sleep Medicine the experts of the department provide care for the annually 15000 outpatients and inpatients.

The comprehensive Cystic Fibrosis program of the department, which is a multidisciplinary program and includes nutritional, psychological, gastrointestinal, pulmonology and systemic aspect of the disease, is the pioneer of care for these patients in the region for providing care and improving the quality of their life  significantly. Iran Cystic Fibrosis Foundation provides care for over 1000 patients with cystic fibrosis.

The Sleep Center at CMC diagnoses and treats children with any type of sleep problem or sleep disorder. Our Sleep Center cares for children with a wide variety of sleep problems, including obstructive sleep apnea, CPAP therapy, apnea of infancy, narcolepsy, central hypoventilation, bedtime problems, frequent night wakings, insomnia, sleep walking, night terrors, circadian rhythm disorders.

The division of pulmonary disease is the founder of a large and active program in the state for diagnostic and Interventional Flexible Bronchoscopy.

The multidisciplinary programs in Hematopoietic Stem cell transplant and organoid technology in cystic fibrosis in Iran is also founded by the head of the Division in Children’s Medical Center and the Iranian Pediatric Rare ( Orphan) Lung Diseases database registry is also being managed by the division of Pulmonary disease.